Block Shares

Block Shares
15536065 15536077 15536110 15536129 15536158 15536172 15536215 15536225 15536284 15536297 15536324 15536335 15536346 15536349 15536376 15536398 15536559 15536592 15536610 15536634
Expected 691718727 688737124 686116036 686736228 686337964 684784667 678186819 679508436 677788048 675237313 679757030 680448090 680141902 680904229 678131402 677195224 670228489 669339295 670581811 672678595
Actual 1094428032 293378208 627228000 292096800 460230624 282257664 938037408 112130208 1034330592 289290912 277279392 157926144 174840576 29360928 517056096 389398368 2806331136 589125312 238535904 303063072
Average 432279235 456866726 504462931 520157693 523519286 510113693 584937648 576111110 673502918 542340845 460625981 447080774 401842032 375568445 381250992 391965062 578794435 626493946 546914477 548291693

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 19,377,586 743567 743567 0 3,161,976,064,049,818.0000 1.4013892746075E+14 141468582491663 100.95% 2406553.9612154 3.84%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 43,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
15536634 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 03:33:21 (UTC) 11,285,674,086,794,188.00 2.290458 672,678,595 303,063,072 45.05
15536610 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 03:28:47 (UTC) 11,250,495,889,685,582.00 2.035193 670,581,811 238,535,904 35.57
15536592 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 03:25:11 (UTC) 11,229,649,923,668,884.00 1.750000 669,339,295 589,125,312 88.02
15536559 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 03:16:18 (UTC) 11,244,568,127,561,092.00 2.290965 670,228,489 2,806,331,136 418.71
15536398 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 02:34:24 (UTC) 11,361,450,544,085,750.00 2.043299 677,195,224 389,398,368 57.50
15536376 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 02:28:38 (UTC) 11,377,157,011,593,522.00 2.367844 678,131,402 517,056,096 76.25
15536349 Confirmed skyqph1 15/09 02:20:59 (UTC) 11,423,677,324,119,676.00 2.088128 680,904,229 29,360,928 4.31
15536346 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 02:20:33 (UTC) 11,410,887,603,543,620.00 2.068361 680,141,902 174,840,576 25.71
15536335 Confirmed for_ever89 15/09 02:17:58 (UTC) 11,416,024,589,662,786.00 2.009191 680,448,090 157,926,144 23.21
15536324 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 02:15:38 (UTC) 11,404,430,520,603,258.00 2.126568 679,757,030 277,279,392 40.79
15536297 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 02:11:32 (UTC) 11,328,602,258,226,344.00 2.026411 675,237,313 289,290,912 42.84
15536284 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 02:07:16 (UTC) 11,371,396,482,780,932.00 2.027576 677,788,048 1,034,330,592 152.60
15536225 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 01:51:59 (UTC) 11,400,259,809,853,268.00 2.034183 679,508,436 112,130,208 16.50
15536215 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 01:50:19 (UTC) 11,378,086,756,939,652.00 2.057519 678,186,819 938,037,408 138.32
15536172 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 01:36:29 (UTC) 11,488,780,263,591,188.00 1.750000 684,784,667 282,257,664 41.22
15536158 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 01:32:21 (UTC) 11,514,840,276,766,076.00 2.135599 686,337,964 460,230,624 67.06
15536129 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 01:25:35 (UTC) 11,521,522,031,447,344.00 2.003677 686,736,228 292,096,800 42.53
15536110 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 01:21:18 (UTC) 11,511,116,942,295,738.00 2.057674 686,116,036 627,228,000 91.42
15536077 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 01:12:04 (UTC) 11,555,091,504,224,248.00 2.721901 688,737,124 293,378,208 42.60
15536065 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 01:07:46 (UTC) 11,605,114,500,526,244.00 2.232770 691,718,727 1,094,428,032 158.22
Totals 13,594,557,429 10,906,325,376 80.23
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.