Block Shares

Block Shares
15535184 15535228 15535243 15535381 15535417 15535464 15535603 15535676 15535763 15535791 15535794 15535802 15535815 15535848 15535879 15535892 15535904 15535910 15535991 15536065
Expected 697180158 696911139 695360067 690049424 688866051 687708408 689218462 696670124 693719864 688891923 688653822 687906396 690350260 694131093 696839300 696922332 696633110 697850271 688296406 691718727
Actual 2328629184 702866496 287072352 2460146880 665553120 834471360 2247733536 1044051648 1522919328 628728672 47503296 151265952 135149184 426614688 416313600 189797856 200395584 60412512 1600911648 1094428032
Average 833419699 866252688 704077882 882419587 917383555 947719766 1070534554 1124991466 1236210355 1272217258 1044104669 988944614 973752298 770399078 745475126 681007776 476273981 377910067 385709299 432279235

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 20,080,669 743567 743567 0 3,161,976,064,049,818.0000 1.4013892746075E+14 141468582491663 100.95% 2406553.9612154 3.70%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 43,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
15536065 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 01:07:46 (UTC) 11,605,114,500,526,244.00 2.232770 691,718,727 1,094,428,032 158.22
15535991 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 00:51:46 (UTC) 11,547,697,474,119,064.00 2.015408 688,296,406 1,600,911,648 232.59
15535910 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 00:28:25 (UTC) 11,707,984,737,969,044.00 2.092361 697,850,271 60,412,512 8.66
15535904 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 00:27:32 (UTC) 11,687,564,151,707,180.00 2.001267 696,633,110 200,395,584 28.77
15535892 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 00:24:36 (UTC) 11,692,416,492,627,064.00 2.124912 696,922,332 189,797,856 27.23
15535879 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 00:21:50 (UTC) 11,691,023,448,836,900.00 2.010554 696,839,300 416,313,600 59.74
15535848 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 00:15:47 (UTC) 11,645,587,275,718,824.00 2.061281 694,131,093 426,614,688 61.46
15535815 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 00:09:34 (UTC) 11,582,155,422,372,710.00 2.079285 690,350,260 135,149,184 19.58
15535802 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 00:07:35 (UTC) 11,541,154,196,123,514.00 2.100963 687,906,396 151,265,952 21.99
15535794 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 00:05:23 (UTC) 11,553,693,927,923,904.00 1.750000 688,653,822 47,503,296 6.90
15535791 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 00:04:42 (UTC) 11,557,688,599,989,866.00 2.022717 688,891,923 628,728,672 91.27
15535763 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 23:55:32 (UTC) 11,638,688,010,058,230.00 2.030790 693,719,864 1,522,919,328 219.53
15535676 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 23:33:26 (UTC) 11,688,185,151,544,828.00 1.750000 696,670,124 1,044,051,648 149.86
15535603 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 23:18:17 (UTC) 11,563,167,013,897,922.00 2.011986 689,218,462 2,247,733,536 326.13
15535464 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 22:45:43 (UTC) 11,537,832,508,510,946.00 2.052442 687,708,408 834,471,360 121.34
15535417 Confirmed for_ever89 14/09 22:33:39 (UTC) 11,557,254,526,275,980.00 2.049260 688,866,051 665,553,120 96.62
15535381 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 22:24:01 (UTC) 11,577,108,233,410,532.00 2.036618 690,049,424 2,460,146,880 356.52
15535243 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 21:48:27 (UTC) 11,666,206,034,147,940.00 2.153670 695,360,067 287,072,352 41.28
15535228 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 21:44:18 (UTC) 11,692,228,711,948,816.00 2.018523 696,911,139 702,866,496 100.85
15535184 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 21:34:08 (UTC) 11,696,742,096,975,110.00 2.013468 697,180,158 2,328,629,184 334.01
Totals 13,853,877,337 17,044,964,928 123.03
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.